Neither Losers nor Toads
NEITHER LOSERS NOR TOADS I told my friends it was time to bare my soul and wade into the dating pool. GUEST CONTRIBUTOR / 11.2.22 / 3...

Red River Coats
It must be fall because it’s cold enough to wear a coat, and it must be a Sunday because the Red River Coat is only for church. And I...

When Our Pets Die
What does our faith have to say about the grief we feel when our animal companions die? Faith Today, 03 November 2021 FEATURES by Alex...

How We Coped with the Lockdowns
CHURCH LIFE September/October 2021 How we coped with the lockdowns Churches share how they struggled with and survived pandemic...

What Price Love?
FIRST PERSON A trip to the vet means putting your money where your heart is ALEX NEWMAN CONTRIBUTED TO THE GLOBE AND MAIL AUGUST 8, 2021...

A family quest
Curious about your ancestry? I can relate, and there’s no time like the present to explore your family history By Alex Newman Special to...

I Used To Work From Home–Now I Work From Bed
by Alex Newman, houseandhumour It started quite innocently with the lockdown last March – lying in bed longer in the morning to chip away...

Right Sizing
Smaller is not the only option for homeowners leaving the family home VINCE TALOTTA / TORONTO STAR Order this photo A sprawling,...

Palliative Care Nurse to the Homeless
By ALEX NEWMANLiving Fri., May 6, 2016 A homeless man, dying of cancer, asked to be allowed to finish his days in the place he called...

Edison's Ghost
Stratford Inn was home to inventor Thomas Edison: How We Live By Alex Newman Living Sat., July 1, 2017 Sometimes the search for an oasis...