Dogs, Log Cabins and a Toronto artist
By a pond in a six-acre forest, a rambling retreat is where Beth Halstead unplugs and re-energizes. By ALEX NEWMAN Living Sat., Feb. 18,...

Ebola Doc
The Ebola crisis: the battle and the aftermath By Alex Newman When news of the Ebola crisis in West Africa finally broke on the world...

The grandparents of our faith:
The amazing impact grandparents can have on the faith of their descendants. By Alex Newman Sophia Nast-Kolb was eight when her family...

Chamber Music Home
Published, Toronto Star, 2014, by Alex Newman The Steinway grand silhouetted against a backdrop of forested ravine hints at what goes on...

Doggie Vacay
A house-sitter, or pet sitter who comes to feed, visit and often stay overnights with your creature, are less stressful than a kennel....

Meet the Parents
Meet The Parents: Navigating Tricky Waters Originally published in TEACH Magazine, January/February 2020 Issue By Alex Newman Most...

Ending School Violence
Originally published in TEACH Magazine, July/August 2020 Issue By Alex Newman Violence in schools can exist in many forms: students...

The Saints Come Laughing In
Try an internet search for “faith + Stephen Colbert” (the late-night comedian) and you’ll come up with more than 4 million hits. Try...

Your Home Can Pay for Itself
By Alex Newman Special to the Star Thu., March 12, 2020 When Cynthia Lovat Fraser became a single mom, she needed to bump up her income...

FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PREPARES TO MOVE In Trust Magazine, Spring 2019 Winner of Award of Merit, News Story by the Associated Church...